Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It Feels Like Forever... (lens info)

Wow! I am so sorry! I haven't posted anything in weeks! Well I am back now with the little bit of free time that I have. I have been so over loaded with home work these past few days, it's been insane! Anyways so where did I leave off? I believe it was somewhere around day two of art tips...Am I right? I think I am. So anyway, to all you people out there who love making photos, if you have a Canon (which you should) ;) and even if you don't, here is a serious lens to consider, the 50mm macro lens from canon, I got it on Amazon for $90.00 I know that sounds kinda spendy for an amazing lens, it is actually really really cheap. Now when I say macro you are probably thinking that it can get really close up shots and stuff like that; well not exactly... it can get really nice really detailed shots and you can get closeish shots with it, but the best thing about it is it's aperture control. It goes from about f/29 all the way down to f/1.8, and let me tell you, f/1.8 is simply just amazing, there are some many amazing low DOF (depth of field) shots you can get with this lens! If you love experimenting and things like that and you love to be creative, I really recommend this lens, it gets great color and great details. I love it! Well for now, that is all I have time for but I will be back again soon.

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