Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Photography Tips Day 2

Yesterday was my first blog, and today I come back to you with a second. :) I really do hope that there are actually people reading this, and I'm not just typing to myself. Yesterday I did some basic art "tips" if you will, so today I am going to talk about photography. I shoot a Canon T2i, I am sorry to those Nikon shooters out there but I prefer Canon, in my opinion they both do a fantastic job. What ever you shoot, it doesn't really matter the one thing that matters is if you are motivated enough to put money into this. Being a photographer isn't cheap, and it's not a guarantee that you will make good money off of your skill either. I know I am not doing a good job at selling this career to you, but it's true; being a photographer is a good way to make some money, however, don't rely on it, have a back up plan, if you decide to make photography your only career then you'd better be married to someone with a good job, or still be living at home as a highschool or college student (me). You can get some pretty good money by doing portraits and shooting sporting events and things like that, but don't always rely on it, a lot of people like doing photography now a days so it's hard to really get seen for your talent when there are so many people who are trying to do the same thing. Did anything of what I just said make sense? I hope it did :) , anyways, some of the very first things you need to consider is...
  • What kind of photographer do you want to be?
  • Do you want to take this seriously or just do it for the fun of it?
  • What kind of camera fits you best for your life style
    • dslr
    • point and shoot
    • outdoor cameras
    • ....your phone (just kidding)
When choosing your camera you really need to think about what you like to do, and what kind of camera would suit you best. If you are active and like to get pretty good pictures, but you don't want to carry around a lot, then I would recommend a point and shoot or an out-door active camera. If you like to get really good pictures and actually go out to find good pictures and you don't mind carrying a little more then I would go with a dslr, I have a dslr (like I said before) it's a Canon T2i and it's amazing, you can still do a lot of out-doorsie stuff, but you will need to carry it around with you and extra batteries and perhaps a longer lens for land scape shots and pictures of far off subjects; I go hiking all the time with my dslr, you just need to take care of it and make sure not to get it wet and things like that. Well, thats enough for now, I'll be back with more tips real soon. :)

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