Hello there! I'm back again, it's still Summer for another two weeks and then high school starts again. Yes I am still in high school, and yes, I will continue blogging as much as I can, that is if there really is anyone out there reading my blogs....I hope there is. Anyway, I am back here again to tell you more about art, writing and photography, I had a "system" if you will or a "plan" for my blogs and was going to have a kind of "series" (yes I realize I am using lots of "") but that plan will not work, I found it was far too boring and a little bit dry, so I am going to try and make this as interesting as possible and pretty much just go with the flow of things, but still keep to my "lessons".
So far I typed to you about what kind of art to start out with, what kind of camera you should pick, and a little bit about writers cramp, so today I am mainly going to focus on art since that was the first thing I did and now I feel I should go back to it. When you draw, how do you get your inspiration? Think about it, everyone has to get there inspiration from somewhere.
Is it from a movie? Someones outfit that you recently saw? A photo? A favorite something of yours?
Just think about what inspires you the most and what you feel will keep on inspiring you for quite some time. Now it is also important to draw your inspiration from every where and piece things together like a puzzle until it all fits together into a beautiful picture, or something really random and crazy; and don;t copy, never ever, ever, ever, ever, copy. Yes it's ok to do fan art and to get ideas from other people, but don't ever try and copy another persons work, if you are drawing from a photograph, thats fine, but if you are drawing something off of someone else's drawing that isn't a movie or T.V. series, STOP! Make up your own art, don't be a thief and take someone's idea from them, then other people see their original work and they say, hey, they must have gotten that idea from So & So. DON'T BE AN IDEA THEIF. I never said anything about getting good ideas from people and turning it into something original that is your own, that is just fine, good even, but never ever, ever, ever! take someone else's idea.
It only shows how unoriginal you are, and it can harm the person you stole from, it can make them look like the idea thief, when in reality you were.
(this goes for photography, writing and art)
Now, if there is something that you absolutely must copy, and you feel like you can't draw or photograph anything else, then, give them the credit for the original piece. Just never take someone else's work, and call it your own.
That really is all I have to say right now, I just had to get that off my chest, I hope this helped you in some way, small or large. I am simply here to help.
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