Friday, August 3, 2012

Water Marks!

Hey there again! I just randomly wanted to talk to you about water marks today. I am developing one and think I like what I've got so far. You know what a water mark is right? Well incase you don't, it's that little insignia thingy that you sometimes see on the corners of photos or sometimes smack dab in the middle. Below are two examples of a water mark, actually right now, it's the water mark I am using on two of my photos. You can make a water mark many different ways, but the best way is to use photo shop or photo shop elements (which I have) they both bascially are the same except elements is missing a few of the "cooler tools" that regular photo shop has, but elements is less expensive and does a reeaally good job, for editing your photography it does basically the same stuff.

When creating a water mark, be original. Like I said before about copying someone else's work, well here, it's the same basic principle. You can get some inspiration from someone else, but never copy their work.
You can easily make your own water mark. Just look around at some ideas or think of some of your favorite things that you could incorporate into your water mark. You don't even need a picture, sometimes just your name in fancy letters will look better, for instance, say you are doing portrait shots for a family and you want to put your water mark in there, but it just takes up too much of the portrai space and doesn't fit in, then you just want a simple water mark with your name, so make two water marks, one that is just your name or your "business" name, and one that has some kind of fancy picture. It's always good to have two.

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