Hey! I'm back! I know I haven't blogged in a while and I am sorry, but things have been a bit busy in my neck of the woods, but I have been granted this time now to blog to you, I hope you read this.
So the last time I blogged to you I believe it was about having dreams. Well, I am back today with more tips.
Something I really need to talk to you about is choosing your weapon (by weapon I mean tool of use) for art, so go out, buy different sizes of graphite pencils, wheather you like mechanical or non-mechanical, it doesn't matter, but find the tool that works for you, it is always best to simply start with a pencil and paper. There is no need to get fancy yet and use up all of your supplies on art you won't like in 3 weeks from now, because hopefully, you're getting better at it. Any softness of pencil will do, if you are going to go out and pick out art pencils then I would recommend the starting out with the lighter pencils, ones that don't leave much impression on your paper so it will be easy to earase and redo with out much notice, you can always ink or use a darker pencil later to define the lines you want to stand out. Practice, practice, practice and continue practicing with the tool you have choosen, and if that one doesn't work out pick a different tool, just figure out what you like, and then use what you like all the time. I'm afraid that is all I have time for today, but I will be back again soon (hopefully tomorrow) with more tips and such.
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